In-Situ Post Tensioning Works certification is the product certification scheme in-situ post tensioning works according to SS EN 1992-1-1 standard and Requirements for Certification of Specialist Builders (RCSB).
The assessment schedule covers the quality management system for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of post-tensioning systems in cast-in-situ concrete structures using bonded or unbonded tendons in accordance with the relevant product standard and execution specification.
What is In-Situ Post Tensioning Works?

Talk to our experts
The Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) has expanded their accreditation scheme for product certification to include In-Situ Post Tensioning Works. With the new accreditation scheme, it aims to provide assurance that certification of In-Situ Post Tensioning is carried out by competent certification bodies and is recognised by the Building Construction Authority (BCA).
SS EN 1992 ensures consistent product manufacturing of Post Tensioning kit or materials, quality control of processes and provides confidence to the product quality. The certification also aims at raising the competency and professionalism of specialist builders under the BCA licensing framework. Tentatively, from June 2023, only SAC accredited certification will be accepted by BCA during the renewal of specialist builder license for In-Situ Post Tensioning Work.

Our Expertise
Why get certified with SOCOTEC Certification Singapore?

SOCOTEC Certification Singapore has successfully completed the office assessment for In-Situ Post Tensioning Work.
Aside to In-Situ Post Tensioning Work certification, we are able to provide a comprehensive certification package inclusive of but not limited to ISO 9001 Quality Management System, ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System, etc.
SOCOTEC Certification Singapore has successfully completed the office assessment for In-Situ Post Tensioning Work.
Aside to In-Situ Post Tensioning Work certification, we are able to provide a comprehensive certification package inclusive of but not limited to ISO 9001 Quality Management System, ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System, etc.
Key steps to certification

Note 1: Initial Inspection covers two stages audit (i) stage 1 introductory meeting (ii) stage 2 includes 1 Office Audit and 2 Sites Audit as per SAC CT 22
Note 2: The frequency of ongoing surveillance inspection will be following the requirements from SAC CT 22, 30 Nov 2021, Clause 8 Table 2.
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