Globally, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) defines and controls how manufacturers in certain industries should maintain quality control and reduce the risk of producing faulty products that can harm users/ consumers.  

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Audit 

Globally, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) defines and controls how manufacturers in certain industries should maintain quality control and reduce the risk of producing faulty products that can harm users/ consumers.

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GMP refers to a system of rules and best practices designed to help control the quality of pharmaceutical, food & beverage manufacturers, cosmetic manufacturers, medical device manufacturers and other consumable products entering the market. Not only does GMP protect consumers from faulty goods, but also helps manufacturers to improve their quality and mitigate potential liability risks.  

Importance of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) 

  • Prevent health damage, 

  • Avoid harmful skin conditions, 

  • Have a defined and controlled hygiene protocols,  

  • Improved process and production environment, 

  • Reduce profit loss, 

  • Lessen complains and avoid recalls, 

  • Boos export opportunities. 

Therefore, SOCOTEC Certification Singapore is pleased to extend the following Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) audit services to the food and cosmetics sector. 

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